Tuesday, April 21, 2015

We've gone Clampetting and I've Got Bird Legs!

In all our....must be almost 35 years of marriage now, we've never gone clamming before this year and suddenly that seems to be all we do. I know my family tends to compulsive-disorder-obsessive (yes, I know that's not how most people say it, but this way it's in alphabetical order.....). We find something we like at the moment and then that's our focus until we find something else to tickle our fancy.

We've gone camping at the beach each month this year in order to be there for clam digging. I don't even like clams, but the adventure has been fun. There's a new style of glamor camping called Glamping, made popular by MaryJane Butters of MaryJane's Farm (magazine, books, etc.) but we definitely don't fit into the glamor category. Actually, after thinking about it, we most resemble the Clampetts (think Beverly Hillbillies), so now we figure we go Clampetting. It does make choosing clothes to pack easier!
Anyone who thinks camping, even in a camp trailer, is some kind of vacation should think again. Between the searching online, choosing & reserving a site, right down to the packing of clothes and planning of meals, camping is an arduous affair. We don't seem to be able to live without at least 5 changes of clothes (even for just overnight). Must bring the laptop computer, even though there's no internet connection. Husband's tv & headphones: check. Breakfast, lunch & dinner, too (nothing else will do...) : check. Favorite pillows & extra blankets, drinking water, dog bed, dog food & dog biscuits.
 Oh, and don't forget shampooing the dog before we leave. Prescription meds, supplements, milk for coffee and, of course, coffee: check. Extra shoes, coats & hats for beach weather : check. Firewood & kindling, clamming gun, bag & buckets: check. We usually forget something – this time hubby forgot his jammy pants.......again.......
We do all our farm chores before we leave, double up on water bottles for bunnies. Younger daughter stayed home with Nanny and took care of meals and milking chores.
 All that work for.........this.   A little divot in the sand.
Just before we left, I had a second HUGE primitives order to finish and we had a ladies get-together. Grocery shopped the day before we left and even though we got back yesterday, I haven't even unpacked everything yet. Can you say.......Lyme Disease? Chronic illness is something you figure out how to live with, but that still doesn't make it much fun. I've obviously been overdoing, and now I'm feeling puny. I guess it's a good excuse to slow down and take some time to read & craft....and blog.... Slowly.....
The bunnies above are just one small part of the order I worked on.  The bowl in front of my coffee is paint, NOT chocolate, FYI.

Have you got bird legs?   I do!
 Kwanzan Cherry tree in my yard, blooming its heart out.  Yesterday the temperature was 82* on my porch.  Today most of these blossoms are lying on my driveway - blasted off by the wind & light showers, high temperature around 51* today.  That's Spring for you, I guess.
 The chickies are growing fast!  They are nearly all feathered out.  Soon they'll be moving to a bigger pen.
 I'm all about comfort today, so I made a turkey pot pie for dinner.  This is the inside.  I put a pie crust on top and baked it, alongside a little pan of applesauce.  Applesauce is a gazillion times better eaten hot.  Try it if you don't believe me.
 If you're feeling a little fat, stand next to a big tree.  You'll look much smaller.
 Here's my greenhouse/bunny house.  We've been putting siding on it and will paint it one sunny, dry day.
We've clammed at both Grayland Beach and Long Beach the last couple of months.

 These beautiful buildings are the lightkeeper cottages at North Head Lighthouse. The smaller buildings below are the original barns & chicken house.
Dinner's over, the dog is fed and the evening chores are done.  I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow as Nanny has an appointment at the Cancer Clinic at 10 a.m. and I'm her designated driver, so I'm going to take it easy and rest for the evening.  And maybe do a little more sewing & crafting ;-)

Until next time.....God bless!


  1. LoL Girl take your time on your next order for me... A few weeks one way or the other will not kill me, but it may save you! Huggs and hope your trip was fun.


  2. Thanks for taking me on your week-end trip. Hope you are feeling better today. Lime is one strange, life-lasting disease. Love spring blossoms! even tho' they may only last a day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A nice post Hilly. Thanks for the update. When I was a young man I sometimes went camping with everything I needed in a big rucksack - including my little tent and camping stove. At 21 I lived that way for six weeks as I toured Ireland. No jammy pants or laptop or five changes of clothes... Funny how when we get older we seem to need our home comforts more than ever. I hope you are feeling better now Mrs Clampett!
