Saturday, August 29, 2020

Most of a kitchen and part of a roof!


As usual, my computer skills leave something to be desired.  I'd have explained each picture if it had left me a text box like usual, but it didn't - I don't know how to change it  and simply can't be bothered!

We've accomplished many things on our new little homestead - a lot of it outdoors!  We've hauled at least 15 loads of the previous owner's junk away and there's so much more still!  The barn, rabbit shed, woodshed, temporary greenhouse, garden and orchard are all established and we're enjoying them to the fullest.  We've jumped in head first as usual and already have three calves started (Roan, Red and Wellington) and are milking goats and raising our new flock of Buff Orpingtons to replace the current flock of (lazy) layers!  

This is the first time in many years that we have an abundance of water and it's taking real effort to remember that we can actually USE water in the garden.  We may actually be starting to lose the feelings of panic while running 'too much' water in the kitchen sink while waiting for it to get hot or while taking a deep bath!

If you look through the pictures, you can pic out a before and after of our new little orchard....and a before and after of one end of the kitchen.  Dave has rewired the entire little house and passed his electrical inspection! (Hallelujah!)  He passed his framing (repairs & remodel of the old house) inspection (Oh Happy Day!) and we've got the go-ahead to go on to the next part, which will give us the laundry, dining and living rooms (Be Still My Heart!)  Right now our funny little house is getting a brand new roof - not just roofing, but all new 2 X 12 rafters and the whole shebang!  By winter we will no longer be 4" from the weather overhead, nor will raindrops be falling on our heads!

Our garden exploded with veggies and we've been diligently stuffing them into jars!  No dishwasher until the rest of the house addition is built and the kitchen is about half the size it will be, but like the squirrels outside my window, we like to be all stored up for winter!

We've canned carrots, green beans and pickles from our garden.   Found a produce stand for tomatoes & pears - did the first of the tomatoes today.  I made a big crock pot of soup for dinner with lots of garden veggies and some Italian sausage and a Focaccia bread for alongside.  After a hard day of work here on this little farm, we are ready to rest!  

We are for sure feeling our age (I never thought I'd say that!) but two 61 year olds can't build like two 30 year olds used to do.  It takes longer and hurts a whole lot more.  We used to hook up lights and work well after dark.  No more!  There are moments when we wonder if we'll really get it all done but the dreams and visions for the place are gradually coming to be and after a little rest we're ready to tackle it all again!  A stroll through the garden or the 'back forty' refreshes the soul and God has answered our prayers for enough health and safety to accomplish it so far!

Daughter promised us homemade hot cocoa tonight (with our goat milk and honey!) in a bit, so we're happy campers and on that note I'll sign off until next time!

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"  Joshua 24:15